Apa itu sustainable ?

Monday, August 16, 2021 EJ 0 Comments

Hi everyone,

How it's going? Muhyiddin letak jawatan? Pilihan raya during covid? Okay first of all aku baru dengar this news today and yeah quite shocking. Tapi apa je yang tak shocking from Malaysia nowadays kan. Backdoor government? The change of government? what else? Covid hit million cases? I'm just not shock anymore. 
I'm not in the country right now so you guys figure out. Hope so. Alright people enough of that. Let's get to the topic today.

Topik kita hari ni adalah about Sustainability. Okay apa itu sustainability? 

"Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

So basically our needs macam shelter, water, food, clothes, safe environment and many more. We all at some point pernah dengar pasal terms ni. Preserving environment, going green, Reuse and Recycle and banyak la many initiative and program yang ajar kita pasal this in school. 

Tapi sejauh mana kita faham pasal sustainability and incorporating it in our daily life. Hari ni aku discuss specifically pasal what fashion industry and purchasing culture have done to our planet. Sebelum aku nak cerita panjang i just want to say it is shocking.

Before I live in New Zealand, I grew up in Malaysia where the purchasing culture is normal. The more the better. We always looking for a great value for anything. We all strive for 3 for RM10 tshirt kan. Tapi apa yang kita bayar tbh it's not fair to the garment production in the fashion factory. People that work for the fashion industry living in such a bad working conditions. Imagine living with $3 by working long hours at the factory. It doesn't seems real but it is. 

I used to love splurging buying too much clothes that i don't even need, There's a bunch of clothes sitting in my wardrobe waiting to be throw away. Which is bad. 

"Fashion's emissions total more than international flights and maritime shipping combined"

That just show bertapa kita tak pernah think twice about our purchasing. Sejak aku study about sustainability and involve in a documentary about that, aku cuba kawal aku punya purchasing. I'm not like macam totally avoid fast fashion stores sebab aku realistically aku tak mampu to afford the sustainable clothes in the market. It is so expensive because of the fair trade. But sekarang aku cuba think twice bila membeli. Cari alternative like 2nd hand shop kalau kat malaysia bundle or thrift shop you know. Dekat new zealand ni pulak, memang culture suka recycle. Dorang sentiasa jual 2nd hand baju kat marketplace. So aku selalu gak ah browsing around pieces aku nak before aku pergi kedai beli baru. 

There is so many ways to be sustainable. We have to be creative. Buying "too cheap" clothes is not the answer. It's killing the planet. Cheap clothes means you don't even think twice when to throw away. Never once think of clothes as disposable. Many baju kita pakai is not biodegradable which means it sitting in the landfill for 100 years and more. Nak tau kenapa? sebab dalam cheap clothing banyak was mix with polyester which is coming from plastic. Mixed material of garments memang susah nak recycle. Kalau ada yang cakap boleh that still bullshit la. That's definitely greenwashing. Producing the clothes kita pakai also waste too much water. 

For example, it takes about 2,700 liters of water to make just one t-shirt , which is enough water for one person to drink for 900 days.

See this, by buying less clothes we can save so much water. We help the planet. Sebab tu aku rasa as consumer we have the power to use our clothes longer. Carefully choose our clothes by check good material that can last long. Kalau kita tengok giant fashion brands macam H&M, Zara, Topshop and many more. They are based on fast fashion business model. Which means producing clothes in short amount of times. Cut times on the production and compress it in for say 3 months. So instead of kita ada 4 seasons yang kita perlu, we have about 52 seasons in a year. New clothes coming in every week to meet our demands. Tak gila ke with this data. Berapa banyak clothes kita perlukan as human being? 

Dulu aku selalu pergi beli kat H&M sebab idk dia macam baju dia cantik and banyak choice. Tapi skrg aku avoid h&m at all cost. Aku tak tau kenapa kat malaysia aku tak expose with this all knowledge. Kenapa topic ni takde dalam syllabus sekolah. I think it is important topic that have to be discussed among us. Funny things is that brand macam ZARA, H&M ni kat malaysia known as branded. It is not weh. It's a knock off version of designer goods. Design from fashion show tu brand fast fashion ambik inspired and produce their own with cheap quality and labor. 

So yeahh conclusionnya fast fashion is crazy and toxic tapi sebab our demands is so high that the system in fashion industry jadi macam ni. Who's to blame? For me it's everyone business jangan cakap it's not our fault. It is everyone business. You buy the clothes. You the one yang demand the cheap clothes. Everyone trying to make a living. We and them. There should be a way for this whole system to be better. 

So tu je kot aku nak discuss today. Sumpah serious gila topic hari ni. I felt different eceh haha. I hope any of my readers back home please guys, take note. Apa yang aku cerita only small bit of the issue. You guys can learn more and tengok banyak documentary ada explain pasal ni macam "The true cost". Boleh search kat youtube it will teach you guys alot. I think that's all for today. If you want to share your thoughts just drop comment below. Love EJ

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