Coretan malam terakhir ramadhan
Hi everyone what's good. Firstly just want to say salam ramadhan to everyone and soon Happy eid Mubarak to all muslim brothers and sisters who read this post. So tadi aku just tengok live announcement raya kat NZ so kitorang kena puasa lagi besok last and Eid will fall on Friday. Tapi it's all good, i suppose to cook for raya tonight tapi besok la nampaknya kita akan bertungkus lumus.
Well it's 3 years celebrating raya abroad. It was weird to be honest because I getting quite used to it. Sometimes I love the simplicity of it because no hassle to find new baju raya or tudung raya. You just wear what you have in the back of your closet. I felt like i more focusing on what to cook on malam raya. So at least we got the food raya morning hahaha. The best part kalau sambut kt malaysia yang masak masak raya ni selalu ibu-ibu kita haha. Ni duduk negara orang semua lauk raya aku dah reti masak. Bagus kan hahaha. Kalau tak sampai bila tak reti masak rendang. Also although we raya without our family, we got each other back. The malaysian community are really together when it comes to celebrate eid. And I would say this year is the best Ramadhan experience for me. Cause i got to focus on myself and also got to do a lot volunteering on this holy month and spend time with people. Masa i study dulu banyak masa i habis working on uni project so I takde masa nak really feel the warmth and sweetness of Ramadhan. This year i went to many iftar and help the community a lot. Meeting and hang out with the community. It's such a blessed opportunity. My flatmates also are really positive people we always tarawikh together and it makes me feel really like home. You know rezeki bulan Ramadhan sangat melimpah ruah. Ada je makanan free sampai rumah. Like I am so grateful.
The start of this year is really tough on me. But I somehow got better. It's all really thanks to support from people around me. My friends here really help me get out from those depressing period. Moving to new place really shine the light to my life. Surrounded by supportive flatmates and friends. I want to feel loved again. And I do learn that when we in trouble we don't always have to keep it to yourself. Reaching out to people doesn't mean you a burden to anyone. It's okay to be vulnerable. Sometimes you got talk about it. Let it go and move on. Find the right person to talk about it rather than keep it all alone. Yeah today I just read my old post and then i realised the progress I have in my life. There was up and down. It's also interesting to see myself from 5 years ago. Literally the same as today. Struggling to find the job after graduate. But Idk i kind of realise something. The fact the we never know what future holds for us.
One step takes another. 5 years ago when i have no intention to further my study, and then i got offer to study abroad. And now i have successfully graduated and right now try to patch my career again. It's always anxious how it all turns out but I know I believe in myself. I believe whatever job i been doing later in my life I will be doing my best on it. There are a few dreams. I want to start my own social organization probably NGO to help people in need. I never did volunteering masa kt malaysia. Tapi bila I move here, got interest in documentary and idk I just love the feeling of be able to help others. I start to reaching out community and offer my help. While I was working on a documentary with Malaysian embassy got in contact with The sikh community leaders that active in distributing free food to anyone in need. I go there few times to help. Love the compassion they show and idk really glad to meet them in my life. Since i met them i been thinking about the idea of starting to involve in social work. Right now i just do it casually. I really want to learn more about it and hopefully be able to do it in future. My one of the lecturer said she really proud of how i turn out since the last 3 years. I did learn a lot from this experiences not just from Massey. I felt like coming here is the best decision I ever make. It's so crazy at one time also so worthy at the end. It is totally life changing. I found new interest that i never thought i would found before. I don't really know what exactly i want. I just kinda pick anything I found throughout this journey and just following my instinct and what my heart told me to do. I don't even think i would stay in NZ after graduate. It's all just sort of happening. The timing and all.
Now i got the part time job to at least pay my rent. I started to fill my time here and there with creative project that I could possibly do. I tried to be positive and just do the best I can. My good friend from uni keep asking me to go to networking events haha. Truthfully I don't have the best impression of going to networking events. Cause the first time i went it so sucks and awkward. The worst ever. And then I filled up my courage to go to another networking events outside uni and it was good. It feels so good. I feel like I am fire, totally nailed it. Got to exchange Linkedin and contact with few people. You know although it's not getting a job but networking is another way to find potential collaborator in future. Creative projects is all about finding the right team or partner. I just tried to put myself out there. It doesn't have to be perfect.
Yeah I think I'm alright for now. I tried to get 2nd part time job just to get enough to save some money before going back for good. But who knows what future holds for me. If there is opportunity, I'm willing to grab it. I know I am destined for something bigger something great for the community. But yeah which steps that I will took is still the question. I hope that everyone who read this wish me luck and pray for my rezeki. I will keep sharing story and experience when I have time. But yeah really love to hear from you guys. Drop me a message at facebook or instagram and i promise i treat you like a friend :)
Lots of Love from New Zealand
Salam dari perantauan to all my malaysian fellows. Happy quarantine :)
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