The story of my brother

Monday, November 09, 2020 EJ 0 Comments

 Hi guys and Assalamualaikum,

Today I want to tell a story that normally I just share it to to my close friends only. But somehow I felt like I want to share it just because it could be something we take as a lesson.

When I was young, I never get along with my older brother. I always get bullied with him. It's not a simple fight, it's more than that. It's very exhausting and mentally disturbing for a young girl. I don't know how i get through it. We've been fighting as long as I can remember. Our age is really close so he always bring me anywhere he went to. I have another twin sister but because of the big gap of age, he never disturb them. 

I still remember the days he bought toy for me, that was the last time he's really felt like a brother to me. When we were in elementary school. It's all started. My brother change when he reached 9 years old and he became naughty and rebellious. We're like a south and north poles, so different. My brother was not very good in academic while I was very excellent in school. I was very quiet at school, don't have many friends jus a few. People will laugh now but I used to be so introvert back in the days. I heard that we can change our personality as we grew up. 

At school, we never greet each other and act like we were strangers. My brother is quite popular at school.  A lot of girls come to me because of that. I really hate it when they compare me and my brother. I used to be very skinny and dark skin. Totally hideous. While my brother was better looking, we looks like we could never be siblings. I still remember my brother will force me to give him my daily allowance so he could bought new games or toys. Otherwise I will get hit. I have no choice as I was very skinny couldn't even fight back. My parents was busy working they never around. At that time, I just pray to god to save me all the time. 

There are many occasion I will run away from home. It's because I'm so exhausted to fight all the time. Get hit by my brother, feeling scared in my own house. They were many times I felt like no one by my side. No one even cares if I'm gone. Being a middle child is really hard. My parents never give attention to me. Because I have younger sister that need them most of the time. So me and my brother always get left aside. But I understand because my sister is younger. I get along pretty well with my sister. Looking back to the memories, sometimes we do laugh about it. But at the time, I was really stress. I really want to run away from everything. I'm glad I still alive now even thought the bullying never stops. When we visit our village, my brother make fun of me all the time in front of all my cousins. He sometimes forced the cousins to talk shit about me. The only thing that I can do was crying or talked back to my brother. I was never a violence person, but my mouth is really rude. Hahahah. This is why we could never get along. 

When we hit puberty it's getting more serious. We still can talk back in elementary school. But in high school, I just stop talking to my brother. I avoid him most of the time. My brother like to skip school. And when my mum find out, he will blame and hit me even I never told my mum. You know mum instinct is so powerful, that they always find out when their children lie to them. I going through my puberty depends on my friends, I could never share problems to my family, I just couldn't trust them. While my brother when hit puberty was really scary. He had bad temper and get very violence. Me and my sister is very scared at him. My parents can never controlled him. I even get slapped by him. I could never fight back cause I'm not strong as him. I have temper too and always talked back. Cause that's the only things I can do to defend myself. Cause no one sided with me after all. I can never complain to my mum about my brother. Because she can never do anything. She's so busy at work to feed us. Because of this, I develop hatred to men. I used to think that men is trash. At school, I don't even talk to guy classmates. Because I think they waste of time. I don't even have guy friends. 

And then when I hit 16, something drastically happen in my life, this has been our turning point for most of us in my family especially my brother. My dad passed away because of sickness. The only men that I love is gone, and never back. At that time, I felt like my world is destroyed. I don't felt the need to study hard anymore. It was useless and meaningless. The reason i study hard because I want to get away from the financial struggles and help my parents but when my dad was gone. I lose my motivation. Then I started to become not so obedient started to skip school, come late to school. I do it about a year. I'm not very good at home. But at school, I care about my academics and behaviour. I tell myself everyday even thought at home my life is a mess, i would never become like them. So i do my best at school for senior year, so i could somehow get away from my family especially my brother. When I was young I resent my parents and my brother a lot, I hate that I'm not born in rich family, hate that I have a brother that is bullying me all the time. My life is full of hatred back then, but looking back now I now know how all these experience taught me about life.

We somehow manage to get over the dark past. Everyone in the family change. My brother start studying in college, and then graduated and started a business. I could never predicted what my brother will do in his life. He's so unpredictable. He has a lot of interest but never stick to it. But he's so determine to change and do it all by himself. He never asked my mum to help his business. I started to gain respect to my brother because of that. I was worried of him at the beginning because he was not good in academics and he quit doing sports after my dad passed away. But he somehow found his way. I started my college years and graduated. Now I move to New Zealand to pursue my degree. While I'm gone, situation at home is getting better. My sister become more independent when they used to depends on me all the time. Then, they graduated school and pursue diploma. Everyone in the family somehow found their path. My mum getting so much happier now and less stress. We somehow manage to get over the financial struggles. I used to not want them as my family but now I'm so proud of everyone of them.  I want to be by their side for the rest of my life. Now I know that happiness comes with little things, sometimes it closer than it looks. For example, your family. You don't have to be rich to feel that. Did I told you guys, my brother is married now and he's got kid. hahahaha. I love her wife as she's very kind. His wife is like a bridge that connects my brother with his family. My brother getting more soft now. Their son is adorable too and I couldn't help to smile every single time. I used to not want to even talk about my brother but now I want to brag about him. Cause I know he's being through a lot to come to this stage. We know now that we will have each other back. But we still felt awkward sometimes around each other. We worked on it but takes time. Only now I did realize why he always disturb me all the time. It's because he also get lonely as the he's the only boy in the family. In my life, there is a lot of ups and down but I know that it makes who I am today and I don't have regrets. It used to be painful but now it's meaningful. I want to tell this story because sometimes we felt like it's the end of the world there but there is hope. Time can only tell, you just need to believe it. Also just to clarify, I don't hate men anymore hahaha.Thanks for reading this. Hope you all get motivated. Love EJ :)


Nak buat apa after graduate? Impian yang terpendam

Thursday, September 17, 2020 EJ 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum semua,

Hai pembaca blogku yang menantikan post terbaruku (hahaha ada ke?),
TBH aku tak tau lah blog aku ni banyak visitor ke tak, but mostly people visited my old post like the KPTM and IELTS experience one. Banyak DM aku kat FB or IG tanya itu ini. Aku layan je diorang ni bagi advice and share experience aku, rasalah jugak diri ini berguna pasa masyarakat hahaha. Btw disclaimer kat sini, this post was written few months ago but today i thought i want to write something but aku dah ada post yg tak publish lagi haha. So I will just add some of my points here and there. 

Soooo hari ni, aku nak sembang pasal apa plan aku lepas graduate nanti, mana yang tak tau aku ni adalah salah seorang pelajar di bumi yang jauh isolated from the rest of the world konon iaitu New Zealand. New Zealand adalah negara yang sangat kaya dengan keindahan semulajadi yang tidak mampu digambarkan dengan kata-kata. I found some of my best view i have ever seen in my life here in New Zealand. Jadi tidak salahlah keputusan aku 2 tahun lepas untuk berhijrah ke negara ni untuk sambung study walaupun pada mulanya tidak dipersetujui oleh ibuku. Tapi dengan azam yang tinggi dan lepas pujuk rayu, akhirnya aku terbang ke bumi kenyalang ini. eh salah bukan bumi burung kiwi ini. Btw, aku datang sini pun sebab aku ditawarkan tawaran untuk sambung belajar kat sini. jadi bermulalah pengembaraan manusia betubuh bulat seperti potato iaitu aku di sini.

Sejak aku duduk sini, banyak aku belajar pasal life values. Like hidup ni bukan semata kau nak kejar kekayaan je ada banyak lagi values yang menyebabkan kau rasa nak hidup. Orang kat sini pun biasalah diorg pun macam kat Malaysia gak risau dengan career diorang after graduate nanti. Kadang-kadang aku tertanya apa yang aku inginkan sebenarnya dalam hidup ni. Adakah aku nak follow dogma yang masyarakat dah terapkan dalam minda kita sejak kecil iaitu kena belajar, sambung belajar, kena kahwin, ada family, beli rumah and so on or aku nak bina sendiri jalan yang mungkin sedikit berbeza dari jalan yang orang biasa lalui. Btw aku tak terasa nak beli rumah hahaha. Cause I feel like i will somehow live a nomad life. Biarlah future husband aku belikan nanti itupun kalau aku kawin hahaha. Sometimes terpikir gak aku akan rasa kepuasan ke if kerja dalam bidang apa yang aku belajar ni. Kenapa aku fikir semua ni sebabnya biasalah orang yang dah nak graduate so ada banyak yang bermain di pikiran ahahaha. To be really honest, I felt like Im just scared with my future. Because it's unexpectable. Anything can drastically change depends on how you live your life. Humans tend to afraid with things they don't know well, things they don't really familiar with. 

So sekarang ni aku dah pun di tahun akhir di university, aku tengah work on this one major project for my final year. Aku buat documentary pasal investigative series of fashion sustainability in New Zealand. So memang sekarang ni adalah masa agak crucial bagi aku. Sebenarnya aku tak pernah terbayang aku akan minat untuk buat documentary, tak pernah terlintas dalam plan hidup aku pun. Tapi makin lama aku belajar filmmaking, the interest keep on growing in this particular field. Like aku rasa kalau aku nak pursue filming aku nak buat documentary aku tak kisah travel ke kawasan pedalaman ke or berminggu-minggu untuk create this content. Aku minat nak guna platform aku sekarang ni to get the unheard voice to be heard. Aku ada plan jugak dengan member rapat aku untuk possibly start our own non profitable organization teaching kids in school creative skills yang aku ada sekarang. Kawan-kawan aku pun macam bersepah in macam macam industry. So hopefully 1 hari nanti aku dapat make this dream come true. Aku tak tau kenapa tapi aku rasa macam tanggungjawab aku untuk giving back to society. Dengan opportunity yang diberikan pada aku untuk study abroad banyak habiskan duit rakyat malaysia hahah yang bayar cukai. Terima kasih anda semua. Jasamu dikenang. Aku saje share niat aku dalam blog ni sebab apa yang aku hasratkan bila aku letak dalam blog ni dia jadi kenyataan hahaha. Macam aku ada buat post impian sambung belajar previous few years, and tengoklah sekarang aku kat mana. 

Aku rasa macam ada sebab kenapa aku yang dipilih untuk datang ke sini, belajar filmmaking pulak tu. Aku tak tau lepas habis study aku nak stay sini lagi ke or nak balik Malaysia. Actually I thought i wanna go home right away after graduate but because of Covid I might just stay to see if i got the opportunity to work on a another project. Cause recently i worked on a documentary project in collaboration with High commision about independence day with Malaysian community in Wellington. It was really fun and exciting moment for me, definitely. That was the first documentary film that I ever directed. That was the first step of me taking charge of producing film. Normally aku macam sidekick je, cause truthfully aku insecure dengan diri sendiri when it comes to filmmaking. Obviously I still have a lot to learn. But definitely got significant improve. And turns out the project yg aku buat tu, got very positive feedback from the students and malaysian community here. I'm so fucking proud of myself. Sebab okay imagine eh normally a documentary project took a year to produce. Got research and pre production, production stage, post production all together. It's a long and complicated process. Tapi sebab the officer malaysia yg pitch this idea bagi short notice, aku try jugak gather a team to film and edit this project within a month. Super tight and hectic schedule. At the same time I still haven't finish working on my FYP major project which is a documentary series as well. Imagine the level of stress I have, tapi sebab this kind of opportunity kinda rare sbb susah tau kalau kau nak buat sendiri your own documentary. Thankfully because we have support of High commision Malaysia there, we've got to interview influential figures of Malaysian in Wellington. Kalau buat sendiri mana nak dpt contact orang2 ni. So grateful for this. And I learn a lot from this seriously. Since aku sorang je student film, I have to teach other fellow team members who are not familiar with production gear and process from scratch. Professional way. So much challenging but definitely worth it. Cause nothing beats the satisfied feeling when you see everyone passionate to making this film happening. To be able to teach them the real production process, it's been an honourable experience for me. One thing I learned about making documentary is how you actually represent the people you have interview in your film. I hold the power to visually represent them and obviously i could also tweak the message they send through in the editing process. So as media practitioner, i have to be extra careful in delivering those messages. As orang yang direct film ni aku boleh choose apa content yang aku nak display and apa yang aku taknak. So aku kena make a very hard decision in terms of that and normally tak semua puas hati dgn decision yg aku buat tu. Basically aku nak cakap yang media hold the power to influence society, so aku kena be fair in representing these people in the eye of public. Not to be biased and let the judgement comes from the audience.

Tbh kan kalau aku balik Malaysia pun aku tak terasa nak terus cari kerja hahaha sebab tah lah ada 1 benda ni aku nak try and dah lama sebenarnya pasang hasrat. Sebelum aku settle down betul2 nak kerja tetap (mungkin) atau maybe aku change direction along the way mungkin aku decide untuk hidup nomad hahaha idk weh. Aku macam nak explore buat volunteer work abroad, citernya aku memang minat travel tapi setakat ni aku selalu travel dengan orang malaysia je so aku rasa macam still dalam comfort zone lagi. Even dah duduk sini pun duduk ngan org Malaysia. Aku cakap ngan diri aku nak keluar and explore bila study abroad tapi tak semudah yang aku sangka. Aku ada je kawan kiwi, vietnam, china, thailand. Tapi kawan yang takde la nak sampai sleepover tidur rumah dia hahaha gitu. Travel sepatutnya kau kena macam get understanding of their culture and to do that, you have to talk with locals tapi kalau kau dah sentiasa dgn malaysian je bilanya nak keluar dari comfort zone. Sebab tulah aku rasa nak cuba cara lain of travelling with volunteer work and possibly dapat free accommodation and food. Sebenarnya kan kalau aku tak datang NZ untuk bljr aku ada plan nak coachsurfing kat sini hahahaha. Like tumpang rumah host kat sini and pergi travel solo. Tapi tu la aku takde lagi keberanian untuk travel solo. Aku dah 24 sekarang tapi aku still ada ketakutan dalam diri ni. Biasalah manusia dia takut dengan benda yang dia tak tau. Padahal takde pape pun, tapi sebab banyak sangat yang kita pikir dalam kepala membuatkan kita takut.

Bagi aku kan, aku takde lah nak hidup ni mewah kaya raya kereta lamborghini takde lah. Dulu aku materialistik guys aku nak kaya sebab bagi aku duit boleh solve banyak masalah hahaha masa ni noob. Sebab aku datang dari family yang sederhana and selalu struggle dengan duit. Tapi sejak ayah aku meninggal, banyak yang aku reflect dengan values hidup aku. And makin besar aku sedar yang bahagia tu tak datang dengan berapa banyak duit dalam akaun bank kau. It comes with small little things you have now. You have family by your side and friends to support you. Ni semua nikmat sebenarnya yang most of us take for granted. Bila dia pergi baru kita rasa ohhh dia la yang penyeri hidup kita yang buat kita bahagia. But cause we tend to chase things that we don't really have, kita lupa apa yang kita dah ada dalam tangan. Korang yang baca coretan aku ni cari lah values hidup korang awal awal jangan dah tua baru nak sedar oh aku taknak hidup macam sekarang. Like tanya balik apa yang kau nk sebenarnya dalam hidup ni? Cuba bayangkan kau pesakit cancer stage 4 and kau ada beberapa bulan nak hidup, apa yang kau nak cuba kecapi dalam masa ni. Maybe masa kau sihat terlalu busy dengan kerja sampai semua impian kau letak ketepi sebab kau choose hidup yang play safe or stable in other words. 

Aku rasa aku banyak sangat interest hahaha. Aku banyak berangan sebenarnya. Aku berangan nak belajar instrument, nak perform atas stage, nak buat youtube, berangan nak travel solo abroad, berangan nak belajar martial arts hahaha - niat mula2 sebab nak defend diri dari kena buli abang aku. Tapi tulah aku dah menginjak ke pertengahan 20-an so aku tak tau sempat ke lagi aku nak buat semua ni before aku betul2 settle down. Hahah dengan impian aku yang banyak ni aku tak tau la aku akan jumpa life partner and settle down ke tak hahaha. Sebab aku ni suka ikut kepala sendiri. Kalau aku nak buat sesuatu aku just go for it. Yass guys I have been single since born. True sad story, no experience hahah. Kadang-kadang tengok cousin aku yang much younger than me lagi power, boyfriend bersepah. Nak buat macam mana, my mind sometimes complicated tak semua orang faham. Aku rasa aku not bad hahaha tapi well tak tau lah apa yang lelaki cari sebenarnya. Adakah mereka nak perempuan yang tak independent? Hahah tetiba masuk soal cinta. Dah cukup. My luck memang takde in love or relationship. Orang cakap perempuan yang berjaya selalu kawin lambat. That might as well to be true. I guess i will be the one who live by that sayings. Takpe la rezeki orang berbeza. Rezeki comes in different kind of form or path. Just doakan rezeki aku melimpah ruah and semoga aku jumpa jalan hidup yang aku masih struggle nak jumpa ni. Tu je kot coretan single aku di covid ni. Insyaallah next post aku akan cuba memberikan lebih informasi terbaik untuk para pembaca yang disayangi. Bye korang ~

Support youtube channel aku kat sini. Got few small content that I produce.  Follow sis kat iG:
Youtube : Eqa Jamal

Kalau nak dm aku nak borak feel free to do so. If I have free time, definitely will talk to you guys. 
Peace out !


Berat kau berapa? Beauty standard yang lapuk

Saturday, June 13, 2020 EJ 0 Comments


Hi korang semua yang sudi membaca blog ini. Tajuk blog ni kan macam agak macam controversial hahah and mungkin sensitif tapi aku kan nak share sikit apa aku rasa pasal beauty standard ni.

Hari ni kan aku tengok 1 video kat 1 variety show korea ni cakap pasal beauty standard. Ada seorang mamat ni dia pergi show tu and talk about how fat her sister is walaupun kakak dia tak gemuk. Aku tak tau la maybe sebab korean culture yang sangat mementingkan visual ni and how you must be skinny to be define as pretty terutamanya untuk girls la. Sebelum aku ulas lebih lanjut lagi issue ni, aku nak terangkan apa itu beauty standard.

Definition :

The feminine beauty ideal is "the socially constructed notion that physical attractiveness is one of women's most important assets, and something all women should strive to achieve and maintain".

So kat sini dia cakap "socially constructed" okay means beauty standard ni berbeza dari mana kau tinggal. Contoh aku from Malaysia and yang aku rasa telah menjadi norm untuk masyarakat kita definisikan cantik tu dengan formula ni:

1) Kulit kena putih gebu
2) Badan kena kurus
3) Kulit wajib licin

Ni adalah some of criteria nak menjadi cantik dalam buku orang malaysia. Aku rasa bukan negara aku je but from other asian countries jugak. Honestly aku pun dulu pikir kalau kita nak di identify sebagai cantik, kena guna this formula. 

Tapi kenapa kita at the first place have to start this ideology ni sedangkan orang malaysia sendiri kulitnya memang bukan originally putih gebu macam kulit mat saleh apa semua. Bukan ke kulit org malaysia ni pelbagai range. Kalau melayu kuning langsat, kalau cina kulit cerah, kalau india kulit gelap. Kenapa kita tak create sendiri beauty standard tu based on our original skin colour. So aku sedar manusia ni nak something yang dorang tak boleh dapat. So aku konklusikan, beauty standard adalah something yang mustahil manusia boleh kecapi. Kenapa aku cakap macam ni, sebab kita dimomokkan dengan formula ni oleh masyarakat kita sendiri and also from media jugak yang sentiasa guna model kulit putih, kurus. Korang tau tak mat saleh diorang nak kulit gelap. Beauty standard diorang adalah, kulit tanned, big boobs, big butt, tiny waist, badan curvy. So kat sini diorang nak kulit kita and kita nak kulit diorang. Nampak tak the situation sekarang. 

Masa aku kat Malaysia dulu, aku selalu rasa self conscious bila tengok diri kat cermin. Sebab apa? Sebab dari aku kecik sampailah besar, orang sentiasa comment about how I looked. Let me tell you a story, aku masa kecik dulu kurus kering gila, pastu hitam gelap. Bila tengok balik gambar aku masa kecik, aku tak selalu senyum sebab aku benci the way i looked. Aku selalu tanya kenapa aku kulit aku gelap dari adik beradik? Kenapa i look different from them. Bayangkan ye seorang budak sekolah rendah boleh fikir benda ni semua. Aku selalui diejek oleh family ku sendiri. Even orang cakap asal aku tak macam adik adikku yang putih cerah apa semua tu. Apatah lagi nak dipuji cantik memang tak. So i live my whole life thinking that Im not pretty. Aku bukan golongan CANTIK itu.

Sekarang ni bila aku keluar duduk negara orang diselaputi lautan mat saleh ni aku sedar yang bila kau semua look the same. Means bila society around kita tu kulit putih, so diorang takde la desire untuk lebih putih. So kat sana hanya dengan berkulit putih, kau takleh define sebagai cantik in their standard. Sebenarnya mat saleh ni dia nampak cantik sebab bila dia datang negara kita contohnya. Of course la diorang nampak lawa sebab muka org malaysia tak macam diorang. Sebab diorang punya features semua berbeza. Tapi bila diorg kat negara sendiri tak semestinya diorg tu category cantik. Paham tak apa yang aku cuba sampaikan. Macam kt New Zealand ni, diorang rasa perempuan asia tu lawa bukan southeast asia tapi asia belah2 cina, korea tu. Sebab selalunya orang asia ni lambat aging. Aku tengok budak-budak kat sini umur baru 19-20 dah macam kita umur 25-26. Nampak matured diorang ni. 

So aku buat konklusi yang beauty standard ni bullshit sebenarnya. It just a way to convince ourselves if we somehow achieve this formula, then we will be considered as pretty. So sekarang ni aku rasa aku makin chubby, kulit aku masih gelap tapi aku lagi rasa happy diri aku sekarang compare masa aku kurus dulu. Kenapa? Sebab aku dah boleh embrace colour kulit aku. Aku sendiri start nampak the beauty of dark skin. Patut lah orang cakap hitam manis. Dulu aku tak suka terms ni sekarang aku dah paham. So maksudnya hanya dengan kurus or how cerah kulit kau tak menjamin kebahagiaan kau or macam mana orang layan kau. Kalau kita kejar this beauty standard ni sampai bila kita tak menang. Kita yang kena accept ourselves tu baru kita boleh menang. Kita yang kena embrance our skin colour and our body shape. Aku kenal ramai sangat orang yang identified sebagai lawa, cantik apa semua ni tapi masih self conscious dengan diri sendiri. Masih obses how they look all the time. Sampai kita lupa apa lagi value kita sebagai seorang manusia. Aku takdelah cakap sekarang oh aku perfect sekarang takde flaws apa semua. Bukan itu ye aku cuba sampaikan. 

But now aku dah tak mind my skin colour malah aku embrace it. Aku bangga sebab colour kulit aku menjadikan siapa diri aku. Sekarang takde sape lagi cakap aku hitam ke apa. Sebab maybe orang dah tau aku tak kisah dah pasal tu. Benda yang masih buat aku self conscious adalah badan aku. Aku masih berlawan dengan diri sendiri pasal ni, aku cuba ubah mindset ni tapi tak mudah bila orang sentiasa talk about it. Aku tau kalau aku kurus pun orang akan bercakap jugak. So aku tak tau nak buat apa. Aku pun masih cari value hidup aku. 

Benda yang semua wanita sentiasa conscious, tak kisahlah dia kurus ke gemuk ke iaitu berat badan. Okay bagi aku la kan kalau seorang wanita tu tinggi dia 165cm takkan la berat dia kena 45kg kan? First of all macam gila je kalau orang expect perempuan punya berat takleh lebih 50kg. Kalau umur 20-an takkan la still nak bawah 50kg. Untuk budak sekolah boleh la. Aku ada kawan yang bila dia 47kg pun still nak turun lagi berat badan. And berat makin berumur memang akan naik. It's a fact. Sebab faktor umur, stress, pemakanan and banyak lagi. Kalau korang nak kurus aku tak kisah tapi jangan letak nombor sebagai judgement menentukan oh dia ni gemuk bla bla bla. And 1 lagi nak cakap sikit hahaha, kalau jumpa kawan lama or someone dah lama tak jumpa, memang perlu cakap pasal berat ke? or how fat you looking now. Kau tau tak aku ni dari kecik kena hadap benda ni. Bayangkan aku dulu kurus kering tau, so of course la bila aku berat macam normal pun orang cakap aku gemuk. So aku kena sentiasa hadap komen pedas macam asal kau makin besar? Asal kau makin tembam? Asal makin gemuk? Kadang aku ni rasa macam tikus makmal pulak. Nak tau kenapa? sebab aku pernah kurus, hitam, berjerawat. Cakap je apa semua yang orang rasa buruk tu aku ada. So bila hadap orang macam ni aku selalu buat muka straight face or acah-acah macam aku okay dengan gurauan tu. Every single time weh pergi rumah sedara mara. Takde topik lain ke masyarakat kita ni boleh cakap selain benda tu. Aku tau aku look macam mana, and you don't have to remind me all the time. 

Aku faham korang rasa benda ni macam norm but sampai bila society kita kena teruskan legasi ni? This rude comments got to stop. Seriously benda macam ni la yg membuatkan orang ada masalah self conscious and mental health. Kalau ye pun dia gemuk or makin berisi ke apa. Kau boleh keep it inside kan? I get it orang kadang terlepas tapi apa manfaatnya pun kalau kita mention pasal benda ni kat orang tu? Itulah melayu la terutamanya namanya je muslim tapi kadang takde adab. Aku rasa orang kiwi sini pun tak cakap pasal benda tu bila jumpa kawan diorg or family lama tak jumpa sebab bagi diorg benda tu rude. Apatah lagi kalau cakap pasal colour kulit lagi lah dianggap racist. Aku faham benda ni tak boleh diubah sekelip mata. Like it's been there for generation tak mudah untuk ubah. Lagi-lagi makcik pakcik kita yang memang suka sangat komen pasla benda ni. Sebab tu bila aku borak dengan kawan kawan perempuan aku, aku akan cuba share insight aku pasal beauty standard. 

Okay fuh done hahaha. Aku rasa tu je kot aku nak sembang hari ni hahaha. Boleh tahan panjang tapi aku harap coretan ni boleh ubah sedikit sebanyak apa korang rasa pasal benda ni. First step, embrace yourself. Okay guys bye see you in next post.


KPTM Batu Pahat Part 2 : New Building

Sunday, March 22, 2020 EJ 0 Comments


Hi korang pekabar semua

Since sekarang adalah musim adik-adik lepasan SPM cari tempat nak sambung study, maka blog dan social media aku mula dibanjiri dengan pelbagai soalan yang kadang-kadang aku tak tau macam mana nak jawab. Kenapa aku cakap macam ni sebab korang kadang kala menganggap aku seperti salah satu staff KPTM sedangkan untuk pengetahuan korang semua aku hanyalah ex student yang sudah pun graduate tahun 2017. Dalam masa 3 tahun banyak benda yang telah berubah. Post aku yang lama tu ditulis pada tahun 2015 which is 5 years ago. 

So this post ditujukan kepada semua adik-adik lepasan SPM mahupun tuan puan yang nak hantar anak study ke kptm. First of all aku nak declare kat sini aku bukan lah sponsored by kptm, so all of my reviews and suggestions are based on my personal experience.

Aku akan listkan soalan-soalan famous by adik adik kita ni ye :

1) Bangunan KPTM sekarang masih di tabung haji ke ?

Good news untuk student baru selepas 2017, korang dah boleh start guna bangunan baru yang banyak facilities yang ex student tak pernah dapat. Hahaha bitter kejap. Aku dapat guna dewan serbaguna dia je tu pun for my diploma show. So here you go

Ni video by KPTM yang introduce their new building. Bagi aku twice the size from the old building. Since this new building is our own so takyah korang nak berebut dengan pakcik makcik yang nak buat haji kat tabung haji tu hahaha. Tapi bangunan tabung haji tu memang menggamit memori betul la. Takkan mungkin ku lupa susah payah tunggu berjam-jam and berebut nak naik bas balik asrama every day. Demi mencari ilmu kan.. Apa nak buat.

2) Apa course yang ditawarkan di KPTM? Aku rasa aku dah tulis benda ni kat post aku tapi masih ada yang tanya, maybe kurang paham kot post aku.

So ni adalah latest choice course yang ditawarkan di KPTM batu pahat. Ada penambahan course baru iaitu Human Resource. Takdelah baru sangat but batch aku takde course ni. So for those who asking okay ke course ni ambik kat kptm, I have no idea sebab aku ambik course graphic. Kalau tanya pasal course graphic boleh lah sis nak menjawab.

Ni aku dah bagi link kat korang, tolong la check ye sebab kalau tanya aku memang tak mampu aku nak explain. Senarai program kptm batu pahat

3) Apa facilities baru yang ada kat KPTM ?

So aku alhamdulillah sempat bersiar siar kat dalam bangunan ni sebelum aku graduate, walaupun tak sempat belajar dalam bangunan tu I can say it does have better facilities than the previous one that I used to study. Aku sempat interview junior aku yang dapat merasa semester kat dalam bangunan ni.

Kampus batu pahat is not the biggest campus ever, but you guys got the basic like :

- Library
- Dewan serbaguna (besar jugak, boleh buat diploma show)
- Classroom
- Makmal komputer (3 Iab imac & 1 lab desktop biasa)
- Photo studio ( ada 2, have green backdrop)
- Office lecturer
- Asrama perempuan (Asrama lelaki di kktm, transport by provided bus)

Since this kampus tak besar sangat so takde lah sport facilities yang korang idam-idamkan seperti di IPTA. Aku rasa cafe pun takde but don't worry cause kat depan KPTM ni ada deretan kedai makan spt lempeng tok mah, kedai makan, mamak and so on. I think KPTM should make space for cafe inside campus so boleh la provide food for students with affordable price. I don't know la maybe 1 fine day. 

Kalau nak lagi best boleh pergi PURA KENCANA dalam 1 km dari kampus KPTM. Masa aku study kat bangunan tabung haji dulu best jugak sebab kawasan bandar dekat dengan mall and senang bergerak naik bus. Since bangunan baru ni kat Sri Gading so agak limited sikit nak ke bandar. So adalah pros and cons dia. Korang jugak boleh pergi Taman U, parit raja bersebelahan UTHM  and KKTM kampus. Btw aku pernah stay at kawasan sri gading ni for a semester sebab masa batch aku patutnya dah pindah bangunan baru. So kami semua dah pakat pindah sri gading dah settle rumah sewa tiba-tiba kampus tak jadi pindah. So stuck la aku kat situ for last semester. Bila diingatkan time tu memang menggelegak hati ini. Tapi apa pun benda dah lepas and aku pun dah selamat graduate.

4) Ada bantuan pinjaman tak di KPTM ?

So aku tau korang yang masuk KPTM ni mostly sebab dia institut MARA, so of course la akan ada bantuan loan mara for all student yang enrolled. Sekarang ni sistem dah berubah, based on new information korang layak mohon mara if dapat 3 credit any subject in SPM. Korang boleh check kat website kptmbp the credit requirement for every course sebab loan mara depends on it. 

Untuk makluman lanjut, korang call je office kptm batu pahat and tanya la merekea sebanyaka mana korang nak. Jangan takut sebab korang nak invest your future of course la nak at the right place kan. So it's okay to ask a lot daripada main taram je masuk. Sebab aku ni bukan staff so aku tak tau the new sistem kat KPTM. The only thing yang aku boleh tolong korang is provide the contact number. Baik kan aku sampai macam ni nak tolong korang. Btw masa zaman aku dulu elaun mara dia bagi RM535 so I don't know the rates now but cukup je untuk hidup kat batu pahat sana. Yuran pun MARA yang bayarkan so korang boleh chill and fokus nak score CGPA je. Eventually, MARA just provide loan je so korang kena la bayar balik after habis study but jangan risau ada pengurangannya. Masa time aku patutnya kes aku takyah bayar langsung sebab aku graduate with CGPA 3.9 tapi nasib aku agak malang sebab time tu MARA tengah crisis and banyak scandal so aku still kena payback 15% which is not bad la daripada bayar full price. So it depends on the gov as the terms could change from time to time. 

TBH kalau nak compare hidup aku time student and budak IPTA, mudah la jugak kami sebab ada elaun mara so tak perlu susahkan family. Compare to IPTA eventhough their tuition fees a little bit cheaper but still diorang need allowance monthly to survive. Also they can only use PTPTN which come with interest later. So you have the right to make decision for the sake of yourself in future. 


Lot 55194 (PTD 53869), Jalan Gading Emas 4,
Taman Gading Emas, Seri Gading,
83300, Batu Pahat, Johor

Tel : 07-4559902/ 07-45567295) Okay ke belajar kat KPTM, boleh berjaya ke, apa kelebihan belajar kat sini?

Well soalan ni adalah sangat subjektif. Bagi aku, aku tak letakkan tempat belajar sebagai pengukur kejayaan. And also where ever you study pun it all back to yourself. Your discipline and passion will help you to grow. Sambung belajar ni is an investment but it's not the only way to success. Success also is a subjective matter. To me if Im happy with what I am doing in life and start something that can help people open their eyes and inspire thousand of people and surrounding with people that I love, that is "Success" to me and it could be differs from everyone. Tanya balik diri korang, korang study untuk apa? adakah perlu? Sebab kalau korang tolak tambah tak sambung study pun you guys can still work too and maybe menjana duit instead of losing money and bila graduate kena bayar hutang pulak kan. Bagi aku lah tak salah pun untuk melabur duit sekarang belajar sebab dengan KPTM la aku collect ilmu and sekarang dengan bantuan KPTM la aku sambung study abroad. It seems like always a dream to study abroad. Tapi aku dah sampai sini dah membawa nama MARA hahaha. Bagi aku lecturer kat KPTM sangat sempoi and fun especially lecturer favourite aku Sir F hahaha. Sebab banyak dia bantu aku and buka minda aku. So kalau korang tanya aku okay ke KPTM. Well aku dah sampai New Zealand pun and dah final year weh. So i guess yeahhhhhh

Lepas graduate it's all the same for everyone, struggle to find job, struggle to payback student loan. Sebenarnya it's all like a human cycle. We study to find a good job to survive ? Instead of surviving je pikir balik apa motif untuk hidup korang. Korang just nak kerja je ke or korang nak cari ilmu? kalau korang tukar mindset korang insyaallah nothing is impossible in life. 

Btw kalau korang nak tau pasal hidup aku kat New Zealand check this out :

How it felt to study abroad ? Real life experience

The old KPTM post :


Any question?

Email :

Trend Micro Check


Tips Travel New Zealand yang korang perlu tahu

Wednesday, January 08, 2020 EJ 0 Comments

Salam perantauan dari New Zealand,

Hi korang in 2 days I will go back to Malaysia for summer break. Sedar tak sedar aku dah tinggal di New Zealand for 1 and half years. Wow I never expect I will ever live in a foreign country in my life. Well rezeki tu Allah yang tetapkan. Alhamdulillah dapat opportunity untuk datang sini and tengok sendiri keindahan bumi yang isolated from the rest of the world ni. Aku tau ramai rakyat Malaysia yang beriya nak travel to New Zealand tapi tak familiar dengan culture and law di negara ni. Sebagai student yang dah stay kat sini and ada pengalaman travel around in New Zealand. There might be some input I can possibly share to you guys.

1) Transport

Kat New Zealand ni, kalau nak travel yang best untuk explore and stop at any scenic spot. Of course la dengan sewa kereta. Kat sini kita boleh guna lesen from our home country for up to 12 month. And the diorang guna left lane to drive similar to Malaysia, so korang tak perlu risau nak drive macam mana. Another choice korang boleh sewa caravan tapi korang kena ingat caravan tak boleh park sesuka hati kat sini. Kalau korang nak bermalam korang perlulah book accommodation kat holiday park yang disediakan di New Zealand. Kat New Zealand ada banyak choice nak sewa kereta tapi yang paling aku such guna is "Apex car" sebab murah and kereta cantik. Kat sini kalau nak sewa kereta korang please add on insurance and choose "zero excess" sebabnya if anything suddenly happen, korang takyah bayar pape. Ada term insurance yang korang kena paid in advance pastu baru boleh claim. Yang ni bahaya sikit if nasib tak baik cost sampai 10k mana nak cekau duit. Kat Apex dia punya zero excess terms boleh terus claim takyah pakai duit sendiri first if anything happen. And for first timer yang drive kat NZ please study their road signs and law supaya korang tak kena saman or memalukan rakyat malaysia. Cth passenger back seat kena pakai seatbelt. Kat bawah aku ada share link roadtest untuk tourist yang banyak manfaat. Sebab highway sini tak sama dengan Malaysia. Nak parking tak boleh sesuka hati macam kat malaysia unless kat dalam hutan hahaha.
Kat sini boleh jugak nak guna bus tapi aku sangatlah tak suggest. Nak tau kenapa? Sebab last time aku ambik bus dari Wellington to Auckland teruk sangat experience. Aku rasa ada lah lebih 10 kali bus stop untuk drop off and pickup passenger. Setiap kali tu dia akan announce kat mic. Sumpah Aku tak boleh tidur weh. Jalan kat New Zealand sangatlah berliku liku so takyah cakaplah aku yang jarang kena motion sickness pun boleh nak termuntah. Seat tak boleh recline so berhuhu je la aku masa tu. That trip was about 10 hours long so bayanglah aku had macam mana. Kalau korang nak bergerak dengan pantas dalam NZ ni tak lain tak bukan naik flight je la bang. Kat sini flight lagi murah dari bus sometimes and ikut nasib hang.

Driving test for tourist :
Recommended car rental company : Apex car rental
Holiday park company yang best : Top 10 holiday park 
Low cost flight :
Jet star
Murah bak hang macam style airasia kena add on luggage sendiri. Tapi paling murah kat NZ.
Air New Zealand
Selesa and ada complimentary baggage. Aku jarang guna sbb selalu mahal sikit dari jetstar hehe

2) Accommodation 

For anyone yang datang NZ ofcourse nak accom yang best best kan. Kalau sape naik caravan boleh la park kat holiday park yang ada banyak kemudahan kat situ. Ada shared kitchen/bathroom, bbq area, kadang ada pool ikut tempatlah. Or nak lagi best korang boleh try camping kat sini. Sumpah jimat cost and challenging haha. Aku personally tak pernah lagi camping sbb kat sini kena tengok cuaca gak. Cuaca kat nz sangat drastic ye bertukar so kena aware. Takyah cakap la kejap hujan kejap windy. Lagi lagi kat wellington kalau bad day. Kau rasa nak terbang weh berjalan ke market. Serious. Kalau korang nak try the worst weather ever boleh datang wellington and rasakan the wind power kat sini. Memang new experience lah. Totally recommended gitu Hahaha.To yang drive kereta aku suggest korang book airbnb. Kat sini kalau hotel memang lagi mahal dari airbnb. Airbnb kat sini sangat2 murah and affordable. Plus point korang boleh masak sendiri which is jimat cost hampa. Kat sini ada jugak bacpacker hostel tapi aku rasa asian punya lagi best hahaha. Kat sini bacpacker hostel memang sedih la. Hahaha sebab tu aku tak pernah guna. Better kau cari airbnb la kasi mudah.

3) Money
Ramai orang tanya aku datang sini berapa bajet. Aku tbh tak tau nak jawab soalan ni dan aku takkan jawab pun. Sebabnya it's totally impossible untuk aku bagi korang estimate price if aku tak tau korang nak pergi mana, berapa lama kat sini. And lagipun orang punya style travel lain lain. Aku personally bukanlah true backpackers and aku pun bukan lah high end traveller. Aku punya style travel adalah kasi puas. Kalau aku rasa benda tu worth it nak try aku pergi, i mean korang tak boleh nak compare the journey and money. Aku cari experience and tak kisah untuk belanja kalau it can provide satisfaction for myself .Begitulah. Kat sini tak ramai orang pakai cash and aku selalu pakai debit card je. Most kedai boleh debit card even kat night market pun. Korang yang datang sini ready je la cash tapi tak perlu pun nak bawak beribu dalam purse kalau risau. Well i know Nz is a safe country but still precaution korang pakai card swipe je. And jangan lupa activekan overseas withdrawal so korang boleh cash out at atm sini anytime. Wuhuuuu. 

4) Clothing 
Ramai sangat tanya aku kalau datang sini nak bawak baju apa. Okay bagi aku any season kan kalau kau datang wajib bawak waterproof jacket/windbreaker sebabnya kat sini weather macam orang gila. Kalau kau check weather forecast hari hari pun tak semestinya betul. Sebab drastic dia punya changes. Basically aku pakai baju macam kat Malaysia tapi aku kasi layering. Pastu tak usahlah kau membawa payung sebab dengan keadaan angin yang mengganas terutama di Wellington. Payung pun boleh terbang uolls. Kat sini takde angin sepoi sepoi feeling2 hindustan. Memang takde ye. Semua angin yang menampar pipimu buas sekali.

Kalau winter suggestion :
1) Winter Jacket
2) knitwear/sweatshirt
3) Longjohn or inner je ( preferable but not compulsory )
4) a good pair of running shoes /sneakers (kalau datang sini takyah la nak pakai flat ke heels ke toksah la. Nanti korang visit mountain/farm better pakai shoes je kalau tak bukan heel tapi jadi hell hahaha)
5) Glove (kalau tak tahan sejuk, aku tak pakai sebab dah biasa) 

Mafla apa semua tak perlu doh bagi aku. And topi snowcap tu kalau pakai nak fashion je la. Tapi aku panas nak pakai rimas. So aku pakai tdg je la dah nyaman hahaha. 
Boots perlu kalau bersalji je. Tapi kat wellington tak salji pun so takyah susah. And kalau korang incase pergi ski field dia bagi boots dia. So korg takyah bawak boots pun takpe. Buat berat luggage je luls.

Untuk season yang lain korang just bawak Sweater, windbreaker/waterproof jacket and baju macam biasa. Pastu bawak topi. Aku yang gegirl pun pakai topi sis cannot nanti sunburn. Cuaca sejuk pun boleh sunburn uolss. Matahari terik menusuk lapisan epidermisku. Add on bawak la sunglasses untuk acah acah traveller and for instagram look yang semua orang dok kejar tu. Luls. Hahah gurau je. Aku pun pakai sunglasses. Sebab silau sangat. Okay kalai pergi ski field pakai weh sunglasses kalau taknak buta mata tengok salji. Kalau time sunny nanti silau sangat nak main salji. So recommended. Eheks.

5) Food ( Halal Food in NZ)

Kat sini tak perlu risau bab makanan. Sebab korang boleh masak sendiri hahaha. Kat supermarket ada  certain chicken brand yang halal spt Brinks and Tegel. Inilah penyelamat kitorang. Untuk daging aku beli kat halal butcher which is ada kat big city or town yang banyak muslim. Inshallah ada. Kalau takde Ayam boleh, seafood boleh. Takpun sayur-sayuran pun bisa aja. Kalau korang singgah bandar besar macam Auckland and Wellington ada banyak sangat asian market yang dari barang dari Asian spt Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand etc. So jangan risau tempeh ratus tu ada je sini. Maggi and Ramen pun ada. Macam macam ada. Setakat nak buat rendang tu lepas la. Btw kat Auckland and Wellington banyak restaurant halal. Ni aku kasi la list sikit

Wellington area :
1) Cinta Malaysia ( all Halal ) Chicken rice tiptop ! My Fav place kat sini.
2) Little Penang ( Can ask for halal option)
3) Papparich ( all Halal tapi mahal)
4) Abrakebabra (the best arab kebab yang I like) All halal
5) Garuda (Indonesian food truck at Night market/Sunday market) All halal
7) Forbidden City ( Chinese food cuisine - all halal)
8) Dapur Johor @ Capital Market (Ni tempt aku pernah kerja dijamin halal dan sedap)
9) R&S Satay Noodle house ( Sumpah sedap sizzling, ada pork tapi ayam and daging halal- owner Malaysian chinese )
10) Aroy Thai ( Thai restaurant, ayam je halal pakai Tegel, Daging tak halal)
11) Sushi B (Chicken halal- Tegel)
12) One Sushi (Chicken halal- Tegel)
13) Crabshack (Seafood and chicken only)
14) Burger Fuel (request halal option)
15) Curry Heaven (Indian restaurant tapi halal)

Yang ni info dari senior and Malaysian yang dah duduk sini lama. Korang boleh je masuk kedai mana mana nak makan tapi ambiklah yang seafood je or veggie je or kalau nak lagi comfirm jah dari pork apa semua ambik option vegan sebab dia akan tukar frying pan and pakai ingredient vegan je. Begitulah yang aku observe mereka ni.

Auckland area :
1) Uncle Man's K Road
2) Ayuttaya Thai restaurant
3)Uncle Man's event cinema
4) Chamate, Albert st
5) Chatime ( Try friend chicken dia macam uncle bob)
6) Paradise Buffet - Sandringham Road
7) Gangnam Style BBQ Korean - Takapuna
8) Cheecky chicken - Manukau
9) Milanos - Manukau

Yang Auckland ni aku tak sure sangat. So korang kena la nak ask the restaurant itself. Kat sini memang susah nak jumpa restaurant yang ada tepek halal logo kat kedai. So korang kena approach diorg sendiri.

Supermarket for groceries :
1) Countdown
2) Newworld
3) Park n Save

6) Activities and Attraction recommended by me

Okay kat NZ ada banyak sangat aktiviti yang korang boleh buat from any extreme sports lover to family-friendly trip. Di sinilah syurga anda ye pastikan poket anda tebal supaya kau boleh grab semua yang kau nampak depan mata. Untuk great deals and discount yang menarik boleh tengok website ini "Bookme"

Ni Suggestion activities in NZ : 
1) Kayaking - okay kalau korang minat water sports la ni la masanya abg and kakak untuk try. Aku first time kayak kat NZ and i love it sangat hahaha. Aku memang suka air so ni memang totally recommended. Aku buat ni kat Abel Tasman national park. Sumpah recommended !

2) Skydiving

Okay kalau korang super extreme and ada bucket list macam aku. Weh silalah try benda ni. Like you will never see the view like in nz. And kalau nak experience it the best way thru skydive la geng. Aku tak try lagi but tu 2020 vision I akan kecapi insyallah. Kalau aku dah buat nanti aku update my blog ni wuhuuu. Kawan aku dah buat and they said it the best thing the ever done in their life. Like ever. Soooooo apa tunggu lagi. Mari kita kecapi sama sama. SKydivng kat Abel Tasman ada kat Queenstown or Taupo. Aku nak    try yang Queenstown sbb I nak tengok view gunung salji hehehe

3) Visit Animal farm

Untuk family friendly punya travel aku cadang untuk try visit animal farm yang berlambak kat NZ ni. Ni la masanya adik adik nak lihat alpaca and berinteraksi dengan mereka ye. Boleh visit nevaleaalpacas kalau nak cuba bergomol dengan alpaca itu sendiri. Mereka sangatlah comel and friendly. So wajib visit. Korang boleh pergi zoo tapi zoo macam limited sikit interaksi so takyah la weh hahaha. Animal farm boleh bagi makan boleh belai2 kalau berani hehe

4) Skyline luge - okay kalau korang tak tau apa itu luge. korang google la, tapi aku guarantee korang suka main benda ni. Hanya ada di Rotorua and Queenstown. Dia macam kereta kecik yang kau guna untuk turun bukit without any power so basically guna gravity je and it super fun. The first luge in the world begins in Rotorua. So guys apa lagi mai la try.

5) Waitomo Glowworm Cave tour

Dah datang sini try la mask gua gua kat sini. Memang rare la masuk gua naik boat tengok glowworm kat dalam. Tapi kat sini ada 3 jenis gua Waitomo, Aranui, Ruakuri. Aku personally prefer Ruakuri sebab ada glowworm and korang boleh explore gua tu tengok limestone jugak. Sangat incredible. kat sini jugak korang boleh try Black Water Rafting  yang Aku tak pernah try sebab kawan aku takut air tapi aku yakin ianya super fun hehehe.

6) Visit Lavender farm

Haa Kalau datang NZ time summer korang carilah any lavender farm to put in your itineraries sebab rugi tak pergi oiii. Kat New Zealand ni Kalau famous lavender of course la kat Lake wanaka, South Island. Kalau area dekat dengan Wellington, North Island. Boleh visit Ranui Essential Kadang diorang ada event lavender picking and stargazing boleh join weh. Aku hari tu dah sampai tapi sebab cuai tak tengok operation hours datang time farm closed hahaha sumpah kecewa teramat. Terpaksa balik dengan hati yang lara.

7) Horse Riding
Dah datang sini try la weh alang alang. Benda ni memang agak pricey tapi bagi aku experience tu takleh ditukar ganti dengan wang ringgit. Kat Queenstown ada Moonlight Stables for ultimate horse riding experience. Banyak lagi kat New Zealand yang berpatutan.

8) Impromptu scenic spots

Bila korang drive nak ke destination tu silalah aware of signboard kat tepi jalan. Kadang dia ada tunjuk scenic spots yang sangat menarik. Aku suka sangat stop kat any place yang aku rasa magnificent view dia. Aku suka cari spot-spot best untuk sunset and stargazing. Sebab 2 benda tu korang boleh buat free and as someone yang suka nature its totally refreshing untuk aku.

Okay Guys tu je la kot aku boleh share setakat ni. Kalau ada lagi nanti aku share yang lebih details macam North Island trip iti ke okay spot spot best nak pergi. Aku dah ngantuk so kena berundur dulu.   Kalau korang rasa bermanfaat entry ni silalah leave any comment kat bawah. hehehe. Bye korangg and jump lagi in next post yang tak tau bila. hehe