Thank you notes to my readers

Saturday, July 02, 2022 EJ 0 Comments

 Hi guys,

Assalamualaikum semua.

Hi saya Ej the writer or this blog. Actually hari ni aku just nak talk about this blog. When it's all started and my motivation of keeping this blog going over the past decades. I started this blog in 2011. So it's been 11 years. Weh omg lama gila aku simpan blog ni. I started writing since high school. Hahaha masa tu 2011 aku PMR. Aku rasa aku takdelah seorang writer pun. Sebab aku tak suka buat essay tapi sebab this blog there is no actual format. There is not limit to how you express yourselves yg buat aku keen to write and share my thoughts. And guys i was a kid who want to be the next fatin liyana, hanis zalikha or even the other khairul hahaha. Zaman tu memang blogger was on the rise. And then baru vlogger, viners naik. 

My initial thought of making this blog sebab memang berangan je lebih. And I've been making this blog like my personal diary sometimes haha which is ridiculous. Sebab aku rasa blog aku memang takde traffic pun. So who will ever read pun. Tapi kelakar bila baca the old post from high school. Nampak lah aku seorang yang selekeh and living in her own world and dreams. Aku tak pernah actually rasa people will ever read this blog but it turns out, there is some traffic which Im very happy even they read 2-3 post from this blog. All i wanted from this blog is to help others and you know maybe inspire you guys with my life's journey. Nowadays I've been sharing lots of my personal life. And It's never about spreading negativity but I want to show you guys the bad and the good in life. Cause after all I'm just an ordinary human being. If i thought that story can inspire others then why not? 

Who will ever thought people will ever reaching me out. Knocking on my email and asking for help and sometimes their words just make me smile. Sometimes they comforted me when i was in the dark. And I'm suprised how much I felt comforted by those stranger's kind words. I'm actually glad that i have this blog to spread positivity  and lift other people spirit. Macam macam gelagat readers. Ada yang bagi ayat skema macam nak send email to menteri pun ada hahaha. Ada yang panggil aku encik sebab dia ingat aku lelaki. Well korang aku tak tau la maybe cara penulisan aku abit confusing. But i want to tell you guys that Im a woman not a girl anymore. Nor a man hahah. Ada yg email aku macam aku ni kawan lama dia. Actually sangat menghiburkan sis. 

I love connecting with new people, and getting to know them is just part of process me getting to know my own values. I can't thank you guys enough for helping me to grow as a person I am today. Life is not always butterflies and rainbows. But like every fairy tale i believe there is a light at the end of those tunnel. Hah gitu. Hahaha aku tak tau asal lately ni aku kuat beranalogy. Maaf la ye. Thanks you guy for supporting me. Im so happy to read you guys email and you guys words motivate me to develop this blog even more. Im actually seriously thought of making youtube channel. I already have one but im not like making specific content. All videos dalam tu was from university project. This time aku nak something more personal. Something with goals to give other people insights and sharing experience. Doa doa kan lah aku. Aku tulis blog ni and keep my journal here cause you know mana tau in future aku publish buku ke. Kira korang my very early readers ah hahahaha. Ceh berangan. Well dreams are free. So why not be a dreamer kan. Anyway itu je kot aku nak borak hari ni. I need to sleep for early work tomorrow. See you guys next time :) 

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